Ham radio deluxe lotw issues
Ham radio deluxe lotw issues

ham radio deluxe lotw issues

Since HRD and QRZ are "friends", they had the threads removed and the owner of QRZ posted his story omitting stuff like the extortion. This owner was also was threatening many people with legal action since the "copyrighted" support ticket was posted to the public. The ham posted his story on forums and it also made its way to this subreddit. This owner was also citing the EULA basically stating he can do whatever he wants He then instructed the ham that he would remove him from the blacklist if he removed the negative review from eham. That ham reached out for support and they had him update the software which prevented him from using it. It boiled over when he blacklisted a ham for suggesting a fix in a eham review. According to people within HRD, this person didn't even want to track bugs because he didn't want to show that his coding needed work/patching. They had a "blacklist" that would prevent the software from operating and he would add people to this list for things like adding a negative reviews on eHam, being a member of certain yahoo groups and even submitting support tickets. Very very vindictive and would go out of his way to "punish" users that were critical of HRD. One of the owners was very horrible to deal with and just a horrible person overall. I was hoping HRD would step up to the plate but every time I checked, didn't seem anything major happened. I ended up using DXLabs Suite which is completely free. IMO It was not worth the price considering it wasn't much different than version 5. Not much was changed and they slapped a $99USD fee with one year of support/upgrades and then charged $50USD for support/upgrades every year after. The new HRD crew released version 6 which I thought was going to be completely different and better. That's when three other hams stepped up to the plate and purchased the source code with an agreement that previous versions have to be free (ver 5 and under).

ham radio deluxe lotw issues

However, Simon's attention went to SDR and he was basically going to abandoned it. At the time it was decent software, it was free and I personally loved the DM780 (digital) software for PSK and other modes. HRD was originally developed by Simon Brown (HB9DRV) and another ham.

Ham radio deluxe lotw issues