Evernote help support
Evernote help support

Research suggests that college students with ADHD experience less academic success and greater difficulties than other students, but that doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. To learn more about the My Lady ADHD community, visit Studying with ADHD can be daunting. I’m passionate about helping neurodivergent people who are struggling at school and at work, as those are areas of my life that have been deeply impacted by my ADHD. My Lady ADHD has blossomed into a place for ADHDers to find validation, empowerment, tools, and resources for their ADHD symptoms. I wanted to find other ADHD women to connect with, and when I couldn’t find that, I started my own community. My journey as an ADHD Advocate started the second that I was diagnosed at 35 years old. HI! I’m Trina, founder of My Lady ADHD, a community for people discovering their ADHD.

Evernote help support